Books by Clare Foster

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The Flower Garden

Published in Spring 2019 by Laurence King, The Flower Garden is a collaboration with friend and photographer Sabina Rüber. Based on several years of growing and trialling seeds ourselves, it contains short profiles of 58 flowers and our recommended varieties, some of which you can see here. You can buy copies of this book in our Shop.

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Painterly Plants

Another collaboration with photographer Sabina Rüber, published by Merrell in 2012. The book contains Sabina's beautiful images of 14 well known flowers, from the tulip to the hellebore, with potted histories of each. Sadly no longer in print.



Compost was one of the first books I wrote in 2002. I was commisioned to write it after a piece on allotment composting appeared in Gardens Illustrated. The book was reprinted in 2014 after Beth Chatto mentioned it in a list of her top ten gardening books - the pinnacle of my career! It has recently gone out of print again - watch this space, maybe we can bring it back into print....

Your Allotment

This was first published in 2007 and now out of print. I had an allotment in London for several years and this book came as a result of that. A collaboration with the photographer Francesca Yorke, it was a fun book to write, and it brings back fond memories of all my allotment buddies at Fulham Palace.