Inspiration for garden-lovers
If you’re a garden-lover looking for inspiration and ideas, you’ve come to the right place. Born from a real passion for gardens and garden design, this is my garden notebook, recording the plants, people and places that I come across in my work as a garden journalist. I also love the process of gardening, realising with every year that goes by that I actually need to be doing it to make me happy. I’m lucky enough to work with some of the best garden photographers in the world, and the work of Eva Nemeth and Sabina Rüber is featured on this website alongside my own images. Clare Foster
‘I have curated a range of useful, stylish garden accessories available in the Bud to Seed Shop. I select tools and products that I’m using myself in the garden or in my home, and some of them have been designed and made especially for Bud to Seed.’ Clare Foster